calendary December 29, 2020

Illegal medical centers of Chinese medicine

Roszdravnadzor shuts down three illegal medical centers of Chinese medicine in the city of Sochi, the Moscow region and in Moscow 

In the last four months, the Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare has shut down three medical centers of Chinese medicine engaged in illegal activities in the city of Sochi (“Flower of Longevity”), in the Moscow region (“the Longevity Center”) and in Moscow (“CHING DAO”).

At the end of August 2016, the local authorities of Roszdravnadzor in Krasnodar region participated in the inspection carried out by the Department of Economic Security and Corruption Control of the Department of Internal Affairs in the city of Sochi of the Main Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Krasnodar region in respect of LLC “Centre of Chinese medicine “Flower of Longevity”, where foreign persons without a permit to medical activities in the territory of the Russian Federation treated patients with drugs of unknown origin.

The supervisory inspection detected serious violations of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the activities of this medical institution. In particular, the management of the medical center (Director General, Executive Director and Deputy Head) had no documents certifying a higher medical education.

Citizens of the People’s Republic of China without a permit to conduct medical activities in the territory of the Russian Federation performed massage treatment and acupuncture therapy on patients. The inspection also established facts of the manufacture and sale of medicines of unknown origin: the pre-dosed filling bags with herbal substances without labels and about 150 containers of herbal substances were discovered on the premises. As the inspectors managed to find out, physicians of this medical institution prescribed to patients a combination of in-house packaged medical herbs and a ten-day “herbal treatment” course that cost nearly 20 thousand rubles.

The results of the inspection included necessary administrative and criminal measures: illegal medical activities of foreign specialists were terminated. According to the decision of the Arbitration court of the Krasnodar region, LLC “Center of Chinese Medicine “Flower of longevity” was brought to administrative responsibility in the form of a fine of 200 thousand rubles (part 4 of article 14.1 AOC RF) and 40 thousand rubles (part 2 of article 14.1 AOC RF).

A joint inspection of the local authorities of Roszdravnadzor in Moscow and the Moscow region and the staff of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow region detected another medical center of Chinese medicine – LLC “The Longevity Center” (village Petrovo-Dalneye, Krasnogorsk district, the Moscow region), which grossly violated the Russian legislation in its operations.

The inspectors noted that medical records were partially in Chinese; healthcare assistance, including to children, was provided in violation of law; foreign citizens without documents confirming the level of education and the right to carry out medical activities in the territory of the Russian Federation (certificates of specialists) treated patients; offices lacked the necessary medical equipment; there were no internal quality control or the safety of medical activity; technical maintenance of medical equipment was not provided.

Administrative proceedings under article 6.2 and part 4 of article 14.1 AOC RF were initiated against the company officer and the legal entity based on the inspection findings. To protect the life and health of patients, an exceptional measure in the form of a temporary ban on activities was imposed and the center premises were sealed.

The Krasnogorsk city court of the Moscow region has ruled to impose an administrative fine and to deport from the Russian Federation the citizen of the Republic of Tunisia, who had worked as a massage therapist in the center.

The Arbitration court of Moscow has ruled to institute administrative action against the medical organization under part 4 of article 14.2 (a serious violation of licensing requirements and conditions) and to impose a fine of 50 thousand rubles. A temporary ban will be lifted after the court decision comes into legal force. The follow-up inspection of how the court decision is being observed is scheduled for 15 January 2017. The administrative sanction case against the Director General of the medical organization is being heard in the Krasnogorsk city court.

Local authorities of Roszdravnadzor in Moscow and the Moscow region jointly with the Department for migration issues of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the city of Moscow carried out an unscheduled on-site inspection in respect of LLC “Longevity Center” operating under the commercial name “CHING DAO” (Moscow) from 22 to 29 December 2016.

The inspection revealed that the medical institution engaged in medical activities the Chinese citizens who do not have documents confirming their level of education and the right to work in the healthcare sector in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Appropriate medical equipment is not available in the offices; the staff uses unregistered medical tools (physiotherapy equipment, needles with inscriptions in Chinese).

The inspectors also discovered a bag containing light green powder packed by 10-15 grams (at least 100 bags without any markings) on the premises. Currently, the composition of the substance seized by the investigative team is being studied.

The citizen of the Republic of China who worked in this medical center was delivered to the Basmanny court of Moscow for the violation of visa restrictions, and the court ruled in favor of his administrative deportation from the Russian Federation.

Following the inspection findings, Roszdravnadzor prepared an official act and issued an order to eliminate the detected violations. Follow-up of the order implementation is scheduled for February 1, 2017. As of now, the inspection materials have been sent to the Prosecutor’s Office of Moscow followed by the institution of administrative proceedings under parts 2 and 4 of article 14.1 AOC RF, which will be submitted to the Arbitration court of Moscow for consideration.

In view of the above, Roszdravnadzor urges citizens to exercise due awareness and responsibility for their health: when visiting any health center one must verify the license to carry out medical activities, make sure that foreign specialists have a permit to carry out medical activities in the territory of the Russian Federation (professional certificate), pay attention to drugs prescribed and medical tools used – they all have to be officially registered in the territory of the Russian Federation (have a registration certificate) confirming their quality and safety.

When hiring foreign citizens the healthcare organizations must strictly comply with the provisions stated in Paragraph 4 of Part 1 of Article 100 of Federal law FZ№323 “On Basics of the Healthcare Provision to Citizens in the Russian Federation”: persons who have received medical or pharmaceutical education in foreign countries are admitted to the medical or pharmaceutical activity after the recognition in the Russian Federation of the education and (or) qualifications received in a foreign country; passing the exam on the specialty and receiving a professional certificate.


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