Mikhail murashko’s presentation
Mikhail Murashko has made the presentation at the cabinet meeting at the Chairman of the Soviet of the Russian Federation of Federal Assembly of Russia for arrangements with civil society institutions.
On May 23, 2016 the head of Roszdravnadzor Mikhail Murashko made the presentation “The state and public control in health care in the context of activities of Federal Supervisory Agency for Health Care ” at the meeting of Council at the Chairman of the Soviet of the Russian Federation of Federal Assembly of Russia for arrangements with civil society institutions.
During the performance Mikhail Murashko told about the Service activity and interaction between Roszdravnadzor and public organizations.
The reference vectors of the Soviet work have been set by Russian Federation Presidential Decrees, strategic documents of the Government of the Russian Federation and the Public declaration of the purposes and tasks of Roszdravnadzor for 2015 – 2017.
Last year the Service managed to reach the target indicators and state indexes of the Russian Federation program “Development of health care” established for 2015 in order to provide the solution of all objectives and to implement in full the annual tests plan. At the same time special attention was paid to providing citizens with medicines of welfare beneficiaries and introduction of a new type of medical production quality control.
Within the work with public organizations, in 2006 Community patient advocacy council was created at Roszdravnadzor and it is successfully in operation now – 72 offices as a part of which work 907 representatives of the public and patient organizations of patients with multiple sclerosis, hemophilia, mucoviscidosis, diabetes and an Gaucher’s disease. Only in 2015 Council held 265 proceedings, 16 schools of patients met in regular sessions. Moreover, 1 548 complaints and the addresses of citizens were considered and an opinion poll of about 50 thousand patients was held.
Thanks to vigorous activity of RNZ and close coordination with public organizations and civil institutes in 2015 the Service achieved the primary socially minded results:
– the rights of more than 300 thousand citizens on receiving high-quality and safe medical care are protected;
– the rights of more than 86 thousand citizens on receiving the qualitative medicinal help are protected;
– more than 2 million packs of the substandard and forged medicines and over 4,5 million units of the medical products which aren’t complied with the requirements are withdrawn from the circulation what has prevented the possibility of infliction of life and personal injury.
“Roszdravnadzor as a supervisory authority stands in need of a public organizations “feedback (reaction)” since such cooperation allows multilaterally and expeditiously dealing with problems and expectations of patients in every part of our huge country “, – in conclusion emphasized Mikhail Murashko .