Honest SIGN
From March 1, 2024, mandatory HONEST SIGN label for CT scanners will start.
This is done jointly by manufacturer and importer (not AR), this refers specifically to sales and deliveries.
In short, here are the steps:
March 1, 2024 - start of mandatory label for medical devices:
• computed tomographs,
• coronary stents,
• hearing aids,
• sanitary and hygienic devices used for incontinence.
Manufacturers and importers apply a label code to the product and put it into circulation.
September 1, 2024 - all participants in the circulation transmit information about the withdrawal of medical devices from circulation one copy at a time.
From this date, when selling medical devices, the seller scans the label code and transmits information to the Honest Sign about the withdrawal of the product from circulation.
Healthcare organizations and the provision of social and medical services remove products from circulation as medical devices are used.
September 1, 2025 - copy-by-copy accounting starts - participants in the circulation report on each unit of products to the Honest Sign. From now on, they use electronic document management when shipping and receiving products.
Document - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 31, 2023 No. 894