Medical device approvals in Russia
In the Russian Federation, medical devices and medicines, their circulation and use, as part of the turnover, are controlled by the State - this is a part of the basic principle of Healthcare, therefore special approval documents are required for the circulation of medical devices.
What is turnover of a medical device?
product sale,import and customs clearance (for foreign manufacturers), production of medical devices (for manufacturers from the Russian Federation), intended use, utilization and maintenance, etc.
We offer services on registration of:
Registration certificate of Roszdravnadzor (the main document required for the circulation of a medical device within the framework of the national regulatory framework in Russia) - according to the main scheme for the initial registration of the document, as well as under accelerated registration schemes, declarations of conformity according to GOST R and TR CU (TR TS) (if necessary), checking the classification and developing the requirements for a medical device, registration certificate of Roszdravnadzor for in vitro diagnostic devices.
Medical device registration in Russia
Registration of In Vitro medical devices in Russia
Fast-track registration of medical devices
Check-in the classification of medical devices
Obtaining a declaration of conformity to GOST R for…
Obtaining a declaration of conformity with the CU TR…
Order 552 from 01.04.2022
Order 299 from 18.03.2020
Order 430 from 03.04.2020 (COVID)